Paul Meschter, M.S., CSP is a Pennsylvania licensed and school certified psychologist with over 30 years of professional experience serving the needs of preschoolers through college-age adults.
Having served in both the public and private sectors, he provides diagnostic, consultative and therapeutic services to a wide range of special needs populations including youth with learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit disorder, developmental disabilities, and sensory/ medical involvements. In addition to his long-standing association with the Radnor Township School District, he is a psychological evaluator recommended by Albright College, Delaware Valley Friends School, Germantown Academy, Ursinus College, Villanova University and The Woodlynde School.
Since 1999, he has devoted a significant portion of his practice to assisting learning support students document their need for continued accommodations at reasonable cost. In addition, he helps students understand and convincingly explain their special needs; provides coaching in self-advocacy and facilitates referrals to academic tutors and assistive technology consultants to strengthen skill weaknesses in preparation for transition. To date, he has assisted over one hundred students document their learning differences and go on to succeed at colleges across the nation.
Paul Meschter is a member of The Pennsylvania Psychological Association, the Delaware County Association of School Psychologists and the Philadelphia area Specialists of Schools. A complimentary consultation regarding your student’s individual requirements is invited by calling 610-489-2177 or by using this site’s email form.
Parents are also invited to inquire about evaluation services for younger students.
The author wishes to acknowledge the Radnor Township School District, the Upper Darby School District and the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network for their contributions to this website.
Psychological assessment systems developed by Paul Meschter:
The TILS Survey (2003) was conceived as an alternative approach to understanding a student’s orientation to the learning process by examining three elements not usually evaluated in psycho-educational assessment. These are: temperament (our “biological personality” that develops independent of parenting and education); learning styles (the environmental, social, temporal and input modality preferences that work best for the student while learning); and multiple intelligences (a hierarchy of eight broad intelligence factors not assessed on standardized measures of cognitive ability yet can be pronounced and observed from an early age.) Knowing how these variables interact is helpful for understanding interests, abilities and motivational patterns that, with appropriate interventions and accommodations, will enhance the learning experience and may uncover hidden attributes not evident from the student’s school performance.
The Life Launch Assessment (2017) is a comprehensive ability, achievement, life management skills and vocational interest profile. It is designed for the high school/college/young adult population to provide guidance toward career satisfaction and eventual self-sufficiency. Many students in this age group are so overwhelmed by career choices, educational demands and social pressures that they drop out from learning, do not complete a degree, have no career direction and become stuck in a cycle of frustration, avoidance, parental dependence, and under-employment. In response to this all-too-familiar scenario, The Life Launch Assessment elevates psychological testing from an instrument to diagnose problems to a teaching tool highlighting strengths and positive attributes. Countless students have undergone testing in schools but have never had the results explained to them in language they understand. Having this information presented in user-friendly terms can motivate and reassure the student that there are viable options within their capabilities that will promote job stability and independence as an adult.